Month: September 2014

Heading Home


On their way home to Minneapolis from the west coast on Thursday, September 30, 1965, Dale and Helen drove 250 miles from Columbus, Nebraska, to Estherville, Iowa, where they spent the night at the home of Lela (Helen’s sister) and Gene Yates.

Frat Boy?


In Minneapolis on Monday, September 29, 1958, Dale wrote, “High 70°.  Cool.  Sprinkle.  Stan to the first day of classes at U of M.  25,000 students.  He thinks he will join Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity.”

Heights Loses One


In Minneapolis on Friday, September 28, 1956, Dale wrote, “Watched Columbia Heights High School get beat by White Bear.  Dalene had the cast taken off her arm and went on a slumber party all night.”

Heights Wins One


In Minneapolis on Friday, September 27, 1957, Dale wrote, “Took Helen to the downtown library after supper.  Picked Dalene up at a football game, Columbia Heights High School 18, Hastings High School 7.”

Nebraska Beat Minnesota


In Minneapolis on Saturday, September 26, 1964, Dale wrote, “Watched Minnesota get beat by Nebraska.  Stan helped me bring the air conditioner down from the apartment for the winter.”  The score was 26 to 21.

More Relatives


In Minneapolis on Monday, September 25, 1967, Dale wrote, “High 82° and clear.  Wilma called about Harold Lewis illness.  Helen called Paul Eggleston to tell him about Harold Lewis.”  Wilma was Helen’s sister.  Harold Lewis and Paul Eggleston both were great-grandsons of Jonathan Lewis and Rebecca Gaskill (Helen’s great-grandparents).

Happy Birthday, Jettie!


In Minneapolis on Monday, September 24, 1956, Dale wrote, “Mother is 75 years old today.”  Jettie loved to play her piano and sing hymns.

Three Muscatine Homes




In Muscatine on Friday, September 23, 1955 Dale wrote, “Schulz called me at 2 p.m. to tell me I’m transferred to St. Paul about November 1st, as a Gauger.  Stan and Dalene took it nice.”  But after ten years in Muscatine, even though we lived in three different houses there, this felt to me like a big change.  Above, in order of home, L-R: 874 Newell Avenue, 507 East 7th Street, 505 East 7th Street.

To Leslie And Beyond


In Osceola on Monday, September 22, 1969, Dale wrote, “Leo Sanders’ brother Frank and sister Blanche came at 10 a.m.  We took them for a long ride through Leslie, to Mac and Wilma’s, to Ruth and Louie’s, etc.  Margie was here in the afternoon.  Read Mother’s diary in the evening till after midnight.  High about 70°.”
Siblings Leo, Frank, and Blanche were children of Luther Sanders and Adelia Lewis, daughter of Aaron Lewis and his first wife Susan Linder.  Aaron’s brother Ezra Lewis was Helen’s grandfather, married to Susan Stiverson (who married Aaron after Ezra and Susan Linder died).  Wilma and Louie were Helen’s siblings, and Margie was Louie and Ruth’s daughter.  On the map, Leslie is about 8 miles south of Osceola.

Jettie’s Birthday Coming Up


In Minneapolis on Saturday, September 21, 1957, Dale wrote, “Family went downtown in the morning to Robert Hall’s and Foreman & Clark’s, in Stan’s car.  Watched football on TV in the afternoon.  Dalene went to a show, Stan went on a date, Helen and I watched TV.  Sent Mother a birthday card.”  Jettie would be 76 on September 24.  Above: we were in Osceola earlier that year – Dale, Helen, me, Jettie, Clarence, and my cousin Susan Kimmel in front.

Gerald Was Outnumbered


On Friday, September 20, 1968, Dale wrote, “Beautiful day, bright sunshine and a high of 72°.  Helen and I drove from Minneapolis to Estherville, Iowa, by 6 p.m.  Supper at Gene and Lela’s, we brought chicken from Sweden House.”  Helen’s sister Lela was married to Gene Yates.  They are on their way to Alice Schaffer’s wedding in Latimer, Iowa.  Above: Gerald (Helen’s brother) and Ressia Schaffer’s family a year later – L-R: Alice, Juanita, Ressia, Gerald, Carole, Judy.

Type That Report


In Minneapolis on Thursday, September 19, 1957, Dale wrote that Dalene borrowed a typewriter from the upstairs apartment tenants, Shirley and Kay Staebler, to type a school report.

Slumber Party!


In Muscatine on Friday, September 18, 1953, Dale wrote that Dalene went to a slumber party at Ann Hocking’s house.

Shop Helper


On Monday, September 17, 1956, in my sophomore year at Muscatine Junior College, I started working after classes at Willis Cabinet Shop, at 219 East Mississippi Drive.  My job as shop helper consisted mostly of sweeping the place out at close of business.

Wild Cat Den State Park


On Saturday, September 16, 1950, Dale and Dalene took our dog Ringer on a ride from Muscatine to Wild Cat Den State Park (about 12 miles east of town).

A Late TV Movie


In Minneapolis on Sunday, September 15, 1963, Dale wrote, “Watched Vikings beat 49ers 24 to 20 on TV.  Watched ‘Born Yesterday,’ late movie.”

Family Dinner


On Friday, September 15, 1951, Dale wrote that Helen’s brother Pearl Schaffer, and her nephew Burl Schaffer and his wife Opal, were in Muscatine and had supper at Dale and Helen’s house.

That Darn Furnace


In Minneapolis on Saturday, September 13, 1958, Dale wrote, “Painted 50 laths to be used to fasten glass cloth on the front porch.  Windy day, high 83°.  Took Dalene and Diana downtown in the afternoon.  Worked on the furnace fan motor in the evening.  It won’t turn the fan any more.  Lloyd is 51 today.”  Diana was a friend.

Muscatine Junior College


In Minneapolis on Wednesday, September 12, 1956, Dale wrote, “Took Helen and Dalene to the library in the evening.  Dalene got a letter from Judy Fisher.  We got a letter from Stan.”  Judy Fisher had been a neighbor in Muscatine.  I was living in Muscatine, attending Junior College (above), which later became Muscatine Community College, in a new location.

College Girl


In Minneapolis on Monday, September 11, 1961, Dale wrote, “Cooler, high around 60° and cloudy.  Helen and I went to the grocery store after work, and ate at A&W.  Dalene registered at the U of Minnesota for an evening class in psychology.”
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