Month: August 2016

Hot Morning

In Muscatine on Friday, August 31, 1951, Dale wrote, “Worked 8 – 4:30.  Hot in morning but cooled off by 5 P.M.  Kopp brought real estate man here to see house.  Took ironing to Mrs. Duncan.  Helen got supper.  TV in evening & to bed at 10.”

Renting Next Door

In Muscatine on Thursday, August 30, 1951, having rented the house next door at 505 East 7th Street, Dale and Helen paid their current landlord, Mrs. Kopp, rent for the next two weeks at their current house, 507 East 7th Street.  They also paid their next landlord, Mr. Lease, rent for the second half of September at the house next door.  Above left: 505 East 7th Street.  Above right: 507 East 7th Street.

Some Moolah

In Muscatine on Wednesday, August 29, 1951, Dale wrote, “Worked 8 – 4:30.  Pay day.  Hot & humid.  Humidity 92%.  We may move next door within a week.  Went & looked inside the house at night.  To bed at midnight.”

Jettie’s Letter

In Muscatine on Tuesday, August 28, 1951, Dale wrote, “Worked 8 to 4:30.  Checked over all change letters & gave note to Reifert.  Helen had a good night last night, slept 6 hours.  TV at night.  Letter from Mother.”

Making Booze

In Muscatine on Monday, August 27, 1951, Dale wrote, “Worked 8 – 4:30.  Worked at alcohol redistillation most all day.  Plant then shut down.  Shipped 3 tank cars.  Took Helen to Dr. Swayze at night for itch treatment.”  Re-distilling alcohol increases its proof, also known as alcohol by volume (ABV).

The Usual Sunday Dinner

In Muscatine on Sunday, August 26, 1951, Dale wrote, “Up at 7:30, breakfast, paper, & Dalene & I took a ride, took Ringer.  Rain most of day.  Took Helen to Dr. Swayze in evening for her itch.  Fried chicken for supper.  TV at night.”  Ringer was our dog.

Stormy Morning

In Muscatine on Saturday, August 25, 1951, Dale wrote, “Worked 8 – 4:30.  Very quiet day.  Thunderstorm in morning.  Paid Stormer Electric for refrigerator motor $8.69, insurance paid it.  Took Helen to store & downtown.  TV at night.”

Rich Ride

In Muscatine on Friday, August 24, 1951, Dale wrote, “Worked 8 to 4:30.  Plenty of help now.  I’m trying not to catch a cold.  Rode in Stein’s Cadillac.  Home in evening & TV at night.”  He doesn’t say it was a new Caddy, but there’s a 1951 model above.


In Muscatine on Thursday, August 23, 1951, Dale wrote, “Worked 8 to noon.  Took 4 hours annual leave.  We all drove Mother to Burlington to catch the 2:25 P.M. train to Osceola.  TV at night.”

The House Next Door

In Muscatine on Wednesday, August 22, 1951, Dale and Helen rented the house at 505 East Seventh Street, which was next door to the house we lived in at 507 East Seventh Street.  They did this to avoid a rent increase.  Above: Dalene and Helen in front of 505 East Seventh Street a year or two later.  This house had a nice screened-in front porch, as you can see.

Lunch At Carr’s

In Muscatine on Tuesday, August 21, 1951, Dale wrote, “Took Helen to Iowa City doctors Randall & Nomland, cost $15.  Skin sensitive to soap etc.  Ate lunch at Carr’s in West Liberty.  Helen got a haircut in afternoon.  I went to bed early.  Kindling fire in furnace.”

Out About Town

In Muscatine on Monday, August 20, 1951, Dale wrote, “Worked 8 – 4:30.  Jack Owens cap sealed on 4th floor.  Arms on sick leave.  Got washing & ironing for $3.34.  Took Mother & Dalene for a ride in evening.  Roswell here a little while in evening.  TV at night.”

House Hunt Continues

In Muscatine on Sunday, August 19, 1951, Dale wrote, “Louies & Genes left for home at 11 A.M.  Jim Chasteen told me about a house for rent so I saw Albert Crow & think I’ll get it – at 313 West 6th Street.  Fried chicken dinner.  TV at night.”

More Family Visits

On Saturday, August 18, 1951, Ruth and Louie Schaffer (Helen’s brother) and Gene and Lela Yates (Helen’s sister) arrived in Muscatine for a visit.  The next day, Dale gave Louie and Gene a tour of the alcohol plant before they left to return to Osceola.  Some years later – above left: Louie and Ruth, above right: Lela and Gene.

Before Super Bowls

In Muscatine on Friday, August 17, 1951, Dale wrote, “Worked 8 to 2:30.  Nice day.  I got a haircut, first since July 2nd.  Insurance man here to OK refrigerator repair.  Watched All Star football game at night on TV.”  In that pre-season football game the National Football League champion Cleveland Browns defeated the College All-Stars 33 to 0.

Bills, Bills

In Muscatine on Thursday, August 16, 1951, Dale wrote, “Worked 8 – 4:30.  I loaded 3 tank cars.  Cool day.  Paid Montgomery Ward bill $19, groceries $37, Helzberg $2, telephone bill $2.34.  Wilma called at 9:30 P.M.  Helen still down with itch.  TV at night.  To bed at 10 P.M.”  Wilma was a sister of Helen’s.

Roswell Visits Again

In Muscatine on Wednesday, August 15, 1951, there was a heavy thunderstorm at 3:00 in the morning with a lot of lightning.  Dale wrote, “Rained 1 inch in 15 minutes.  Electric surge burned out our refrigerator.  Mother came on the 7:40 bus.  Roswell and Tressa were here.”  Dale’s cousin Roswell Gardner was married to Tressa Woods.  Their 1929 wedding picture is above.

Rainy Day

In Muscatine on Tuesday, August 14, 1951, Dale wrote, “Worked 8 to 4:30.  Helen worse with itch.  Called Dr. Miller at night but he wouldn’t do anything.  Rain today.  Called Mother & she’s coming over tomorrow.”

Early Morning

In Muscatine on Monday, August 13, 1951, Dale wrote, “Bushery called me at 5 A.M. & I went to work.  Home at 8 for breakfast.  Took Helen to Dr. Miller for examination, couldn’t find anything wrong.  TV at night.”  I think her ‘nervous itch’ was due to anxiety about moving.

Sunday Dinner

In Muscatine on Sunday, August 12, 1951, Dale wrote, “Up at 10.  Kids went to a show in the afternoon.  Had fried chicken dinner.  I worked on the refrigerator most all day, fixed it.  Helen miserable with nervous itch.  To bed at 10 P.M.”
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