Month: February 2013

Figuring Income Taxes


In Minneapolis on Saturday, February 8, 1958, Dale wrote, “Helen and I went to the library.  Stan and Dalene went to a hobby shop.  Stan bought a boat to put together, and Dalene a figurine to paint.  Helen and I worked on income tax figures at night.”

We Won!


On Tuesday, February 7, 1950, Muscatine High School basketball team beat Fairfield 48-36.

Going To Omaha


In St. Paul on Monday, February 6, 1939, Dale was notified that his next post of duty would be Omaha, Nebraska.  He wrote, “Pleased very much.  So was Helen.  Today was a high spot.”  Above: a more recent photo of downtown Omaha.

Fibber McGee And Molly


In Muscatine on Thursday, February 5, 1953, Dale wrote, “In bed all day.  Helen called Wing about my staying a Gauger, he said OK.  Listened to the radio and read magazines.  Legs are still tight.”  Mr. Wing was an Alcohol Tax Unit supervisor in the St. Paul office.  Above: Fibber McGee and Molly had a popular comedy radio program from 1935 to 1959.

Driver Ed Class


In Muscatine on Wednesday, February 4, 1953, Dale was in bed all day with leg pains, but he wrote that I got to take my first behind-the-wheel drive in Driver Education class at school.

Goin’ Dancin’


In Osceola on Saturday, February 3, 1934, George and Wilma Casey took Dale and Helen to a dance in the evening.  Dale’s diary recorded “Spent 25¢.”  Wilma was Helen’s sister.  Above: Dale and Helen all dressed up a few years later.

Spring Ahead Early


In Washington, DC, on Monday, February 2, 1942, President Roosevelt instituted year-round Daylight Savings Time, which stayed in effect for the rest of World War II.



After leaving Muscatine on Sunday, February 1, 1953, Dale wrote, “Drove to St. Paul.  Helen got my breakfast and kissed me goodbye.  Some snow on the way.  Got a room on Dayton Avenue.  Called Helen at 6 p.m.  I love her very much.”  He was homesick already.  On the map above, I-35 and I-94 did not yet exist.
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