Month: March 2012

A Lot of Snow

In Minneapolis on Sunday, March 11, 1962, Dale wrote, “Snow all day.  About 10 inches, makes almost 70 inches this winter, so far.  Put the tire chains on.”  That’s almost six feet of snow.  But – it’s Minnesota.

Income Tax Dates

In Muscatine on Monday, March 10, 1952, Dale mailed his Federal tax return to Des Moines.  State and federal taxes were due on March 15 each year until 1955, when the due date was changed to April 15.

Dale Loses Weight

On Monday, March 9, 1953, Dale has been on sick leave in Muscatine over a month with leg pains.  He wrote, “Dressed and drove downtown to Dr. Miller for a shot.  Got along fine but both legs tickled all evening.  I weigh 178 pounds, doctor says lose 10 more pounds.”

Muskies Lose One

On Wednesday, March 8, 1950, the Muscatine High School basketball team lost to Burlington, 50 to 39, in District Tournament play.

Dale Takes a Test

On Saturday, March 7, 1936, Dale and Helen borrowed George and Wilma Casey’s car and drove from Osceola to Des Moines for Dale to take the Civil Service Examination for Mail Clerk.  Dale’s teenage sister Marie went along for the ride.  I don’t know what the car was, but it probably looked like the 1935 Ford below.


Helen’s First Flight

On Wednesday, March 6, 1957, Dale drove Helen to the Minneapolis airport (he wrote the old name, Wold-Chamberlin Field) to take a Braniff flight to Des Moines, where Wilma, her sister, was having surgery.  This was Helen’s first airplane trip, and when she called Dale after Wilma’s operation, she said it was wonderful.  Below: what the airport looked like about that time.

Loose Hogs

On Sunday, March 4, 1934, Helen and Dale Gardner drove their horse and wagon to visit Bill and Leona Van Sant.  They were rained on as they rode home.  Dale chased the pigs that had gotten out, then fixed the barnyard gate to prevent further pig escapes.

An 80th Anniversary

Today is the 80th anniversary of the marriage of Helen and Dale Gardner.  On Thursday, March 3, 1932, they crossed the state line from Iowa to Maryville, Missouri, and were married.  I believe they were very happy together.

Sledding in St. Paul

In 1941, this date was a Sunday, and we lived in St. Paul, MN.  My parents took me and a friend, Jimmy Longhenry, to a nearby duck pond, where we could go sledding in the snow.
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