In Muscatine on Monday, July 31, 1950, Dale wrote that neighbors Jim and Martha Smith (who lived three doors up East Seventh Street) dropped in at night with their fifteen-year anniversary cake to have a quiet celebration. Dale and Helen made coffee.
Rainy Day
Radio Fix-It
Late Cool-Down
In Muscatine on Friday, July 28, 1950, Dale wrote, “Worked 8 to 4:30. Jack Owens came down to the plant to say goodbye – he is transferred to Yankton, South Dakota. Hot today. I mowed the yard after supper & cut weeds. Stayed home at night & to bed after midnight.” They had no air conditioning, so waited for the evening cool-down to go to bed.
Peacetime Alcohol
Neighborly Act
Get A Book
Squeaky Belt?
More Races
Popping Pills
Weekly Report
Another Birthday
Pay Day
Routine Day
Back To Work
In Muscatine on Monday, July 17, 1950, Dale wrote, “Worked 8 to 4:30. First day back after 2 weeks of vacation. Loaded 3 tank cars & 3 trucks today. I came home for dinner. Took Stanley for a shot at 4:45. Sent $8.80 for group insurance.” He was a government agent at the alcohol plant, and those tank cars and trucks were filled with alcohol.