Month: October 2013

Dale Gets A Raise


In Minneapolis on Thursday, October 11, 1962, Dale wrote, “President Kennedy signed our pay raise bill.  Helen and I went to Apache and Wards to order new 28 foot aluminum extension ladder.  Wrote Mother a card.  Letter from Dalene.  High 83°, hot.”

Yankees Win Again


In Minneapolis on Wednesday, October 10, 1956, Dale wrote, “Nice day.  Need a rain.  Letter from Lela.  Yanks beat Dodgers for World Series crown.”  Lela was Helen’s sister.

Muscatine Homecoming


In Muscatine on Friday, October 9, 1953, Dale wrote, “Big homecoming parade and football game.  Muscatine 18, Mt. Pleasant 14.”  Above: a recent homecoming parade in Muscatine.

Helen Gets Sick


In Minneapolis on Monday, October 8, 1956, Dale wrote, “Helen sick in bed all day with upset stomach.  We gave Shirley and Kay our tickets to the pancake supper at church.  Letter from Stan.”  Shirley and Kay lived in the upstairs apartment.  The next day, Dad took Mom to the doctor, who diagnosed an infection in her throat and stomach.

Yankees Beat Dodgers


In Muscatine on Tuesday, October 7, 1952, Dale wrote, “Yanks won the World Series today.  Got my first overtime parking ticket and it wasn’t my fault.”  It was the Yankees over the Dodgers.

A Ride In The Country


In Minneapolis on Sunday, October 6, 1957, Dale wrote, “Took a ride out through some woods north of highway 100.  Cleaned the oil bath cleaner on the Dodge, hooked the automatic choke back up.  Put a storm window on Stan’s room.  Warm, about 70°.  Watched football.”

Putting Up Storm Windows


In Minneapolis on Saturday, October 5, 1957, Dale wrote, “Dinnie and I went downtown to straighten our account at Minneapolis House Furnishings.  Bought a nightgown for Helen and pajamas for Dalene.  Put some storm windows upstairs on the apartment.”

Postcard From Jettie


In Minneapolis on Thursday, October 4, 1956, Dale wrote, “Burl and Opal left at 7 a.m.  Helen worked 9 to 6 at Schuyler’s Shoe Store.  Nice day.  Card from Mother from the Ozarks.”  Burl Schaffer was Helen’s cousin.

Piston Ring Job


In Muscatine on Monday, October 3, 1955, Dale and Helen spent all day installing five new compression rings on five pistons, and one new piston on their 1948 Dodge.  He wrote, “Big job.  Sure sounds different, better.”

Indian Summer


In Minneapolis on Wednesday, October 2, 1957, Dale wrote, “Another warm Indian Summer day.  Stan paid off Grossman Chevrolet with a $2400 check from the Credit Union.”  I paid off the dealer loan on my ’57 Chevy.

Fourth Move In 1936


On Thursday, October 1, 1936, Dale and Helen moved from their Washington, DC, apartment on N Street N.W. to rooms at 203 Rhode Island Avenue N.E. for rent of $25 per month.
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