Month: November 2012

Picking Corn

In Osceola on Thursday, November 9, 1950, for his father’s heart condition, Dale wrote, “Dad is a little better.  Cold today.  I unloaded Eddie’s wagon of corn.  We drove home to Muscatine today to get the kids back in school.”  He left Mom, Dalene and me in Muscatine and returned to Osceola the next day.  Below: picking corn at Williams and Jettie’s farm.

JFK Wins Election

Tuesday, November 8, 1960, was Election Day.  In Minneapolis, Dale wrote, “Looks like Kennedy at midnight.  Stayed up till midnight and after, watching election results on TV.”  John F. Kennedy was elected the next President, with Lyndon Johnson as Vice President:

FDR Wins Fourth Term!

On Tuesday, November 7, 1944 – Election Day – Incumbent President Democrat Franklin Delano Roosevelt defeated Republican challenger Thomas E. Dewey for an unprecedented fourth term.  His Vice President, Harry S. Truman, succeeded Roosevelt as President when Roosevelt died in April 1945.

Getting Taller

In Muscatine on Tuesday, November 6, 1951, Dale wrote, “Stanley is tall as I am.”   That would have been 5 feet, 10½ inches.  I had a growing spurt that year; a year later I was 2 inches taller than Dad.

Dale And Helen Buy A House

On Saturday, November 5, 1955, in Columbia Heights (a northern suburb of Minneapolis), Dale and Helen bought a house at 3727 Reservoir Boulevard.  They would live there until Dale retired in 1968.  Below: the location of the house.

Ike Wins!

In Muscatine on Tuesday, November 4, 1952, Dale wrote, “Stayed home at night and watched TV until 1:30 a.m., watching Eisenhower and Nixon elected.”

Breakfast At Johnnie’s Grill

In Muscatine on Sunday, November 2, 1952, Dale took Dalene for a morning ride.  They had breakfast at Johnnie’s Grill.  I have no memory of that restaurant, but doesn’t this picture make you hungry?

Unloading Corn On The Farm

On Wednesday, November 1, 1950, at Williams and Jettie’s farm near Osceola, Dale wrote, “Worked at folks all day, unloaded corn, fixed battery on tractor.  Went to Osceola after lumber for corn crib.  Went to high school football game, Osceola 26, Bedford 19.”  He drove back to Muscatine the next day.  Below: corn stacked by the corn crib on Williams and Jettie’s farm.

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