Month: July 2012

Grandmother’s Trunk

Vacationing from Muscatine in Osceola with his family on Wednesday, July 11, 1951, Dale wrote, “Went to Clarice and Lloyd’s farm after supper for home made ice cream.  Kids played ‘I packed my grandmother’s trunk.’  Funny.”

Clarice was the wife of Lloyd Gardner, Dale’s brother.  Here’s how the game is played: Each player starts off with the same sentence: “I packed my grandmother’s trunk and in it I put ___.”  The player completes the sentence with a word that begins with the letter A.  For instance, “I packed my grandmother’s trunk and in it I put an alligator.”  The next player repeats the previous sentence and must add a B word.  “I packed my grandmother’s trunk and in it I put an alligator and a banana.”  In turn, each player has to remember what the past players have said and add an item that starts with the next letter of the alphabet.


Heat Wave In Washington

In Washington, DC, on Friday, July 10, 1936, Dale wrote, “Government employees got off at 1:30 p.m. on account of heat.  105°.”  This was before most buildings were air conditioned.

Home Made Ice Cream

Vacationing from Muscatine in Osceola with his family on Sunday, July 9, 1950, Dale and Helen drove with Ruth and Louie Schaffer (Helen’s brother) to Perry to see Lela Yates (Helen’s sister) in the hospital.  They got back to Louie’s by early evening and went to Margie (Louie’s daughter) and Jack Nish’s farm for fried chicken and home made ice cream.

Jettie Visits The White House

In Washington, DC, on Thursday, July 8, 1937, Dale’s mother Jettie was visiting from Osceola.  She went into town and saw President Roosevelt and the U.S. Congress in session.  The next day, she visited the White House.

Dale Paints Cars

Vacationing from Muscatine at Jettie and Williams Gardner’s farm near Osceola with his family on Friday, July 7, 1950, Dale wrote, “Painted our Mercury red and the folks ’35 Chevy black.  Took all day.  We went to Louie’s farm for supper.”  Louie was one of Helen’s brothers.  Below: a red ’39 Mercury.

Stan Takes Sue To Excelsior

In Minneapolis on Friday, July 6, 1956, Dale wrote, “Stanley’s car rear end went out at Excelsior Park.  Dalene and I went after him and Sue Timm.”  Excelsior Park was an amusement park (below); Sue Timm was a girlfriend visiting from Muscatine.

Jettie Visits Arlington Cemetery

During the Independence Day celebration in Washington, DC, on Monday, July 5, 1937, Dale wrote, “Took Mother to zoo in the afternoon and to Lee’s mansion.  Watched fireworks at night.”  Below: Robert E. Lee’s mansion, also known as Arlington House.

Celebrating The Fourth

At their farm on Thursday, July 4, 1935, Dale plowed corn in the morning, then he and Helen went to Osceola for the Fourth of July celebration and didn’t get home until 1:30 the next morning.  They spent a total of 50¢.

Ready For The Fourth

Vacationing in Osceola from Muscatine with his family on Monday, July 3, 1950, Dale wrote, “Drove to town to get tire fixed.  Fixed Dad’s rake in the afternoon.  Went to Lloyd’s after Nancy.  Went to George’s after supper and saw Genes.  Shot our fireworks.”  They were staying at Williams and Jettie Gardner’s farm.  Lloyd was Dale’s brother and Nancy was Lloyd’s daughter.  George Casey was married to Wilma Schaffer, Helen’s sister.  ‘Genes’ were Gene Yates and his wife Lela Schaffer, Helen’s other sister.

Riding Old Dan

Vacationing in Osceola from Muscatine on Sunday, July 2, 1950, Dale, Helen, and Marie (Dale’s sister) took Stanley and Dalene to ride Marie’s horse, Old Dan.  Later, Dale and family drove to Opal and Don Schaffer’s home (Helen’s nephew) and played horseshoes, returning to Williams and Jettie’s farm for supper.

Jettie Visits The Smithsonian

In Washington, DC, on Thursday, July 1, 1937, Dale wrote, “Mother rode to work with me and went to the Smithsonian Institution all day and rode home with me too.”  Below: the Smithsonian Institution.

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